Marketplace Access Setup:
step 2: Create an Order Service Profile (OSP), and enjoy full control over your servicing costs!
an OSP governs the pricing and quality control settings for all of your submitted orders, in that service area; order-level details such as business rules are order specific and shall be set at time of order submission
setting-up an OSP is quick and easy:
choose a service area (nation, state, or county)
set the maximum price you are willing to pay for that service area
choose the quality control features that you wish to apply for that service area
initially, you will setup a nation-wide OSP - this ensures that we can effectively support any U.S. order you submit
financially optimize your program by setting state-level OSPs
further financially optimize by setting county-level OSPs
change the max price point, for any OSP, as often as you wish
choose whether or not to deactivate an OSP at any time (excludes nation-wide, which must be active at all times)
note 1: the “most local” OSP shall govern an order (e.g. You setup an OSP for a specific county; thus orders for that county shall be processed in accordance to the county-level OSP regardless of any over-arching nation or state OSPs you may have established)
note 2: why you may wish to adjust your max price point: as your max price point increases, so does your access to researchers (service capacity), thus reducing turn-around-time for an order (e.g. Your OSP max price point is set to $1.75, which may buy you 75% probability that your order will be completed within 2 business days vs. a max price point set to $2.00, which may buy you a 95% probability that your order will be completed within 2 business days)